Saturday, May 28, 2011

SMALL Note to Self...

What the Freak is a(n) URL????

And while ur at it dear Techno-God... Help me with News Group ~ if you please. Lost a job promotion 8 years... nope 9..... on that one. Pretty please?

So Far... So(rta) Good....

This is pretty much all I want on my blog... at least until I learn what all the other crap is.... and responding to a friend on FB.... my reply to her finding my blog was as follows:

"Hey, I'd already made it smaller by the time you posted this... Dammit! LOL
I will use my new blog to post my weird moments instead of wasting them on my status line of  FaceBook." (OK... so maybe "waste" is a strong word, but I can't get my posts on FB back to read them months, even weeks later.)

So in actuallity, This blog is for me. I prefer to type instead of write... and get an odd sense of accomplishment and pat-on-the-back feeling if anyone actually does check in... but really not necessary.

My spelling may not be perfect... not found that tab, button or brain cell yet... but thoughts will be original... I promise. I'll not be re-posting things that are not  originally my own and will attempt to stay away from the Merlot while posting. If you think you read a post that is salatious AND THE NEXT DAY, IT'S GONE...Guess what?  I've awakened and have had my self-prescribed 2 HUGE cups of coffee!  This is my DIARY. Very Little I think about is considered censored (by today's standards) so feel free to waste your time at your own expense... You are welcome to share in my Quirky views of life.


( JANET... UR the first one to view my silly venture.... which I expect to become a SERIOUS time and writing addiction)... Tks 88 va ee

Hang on... Trying to make my Noggin' smaller....

 THIS Pic is Damn Scarey over morning coffee!  Nope don't really look like this... That's A VERY Good Hair Day! You should see me now... Nah... Enjoy your breakfast. I will, somehow, decrease the size of this pic of my good hair and decent make-up.
House Rule - No Video-Skyping before Noon. There's a good reason for that... LOL
So back to editing my blog.... Have a great day Everyone and Me!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Should close this blog....

OH crap... What if I lose this blog that I started now? What if I can never find it again to add to it?   Where is it saved?  What was my password again? Did I give one? Don't I always need a password? Well, meet you on the otherside... maybe.

All this in saying that I'm the furthest thing from a techy. Love the rabbit ears on my TV... and am so happy I've found out about the digital to analog???  converter box to still get my signals after August 31st... but that's a  story for another day. The Axe-Man is calling... Nope... not the Sandman... That too is another story. Nighters

Contemplating Weight Gain...

Solution to determine true fatness or if ya need new Mirrors....
Get a tape measure (preferably dressmaker cloth variety), and hold the end up in your armpit  with same hand/arm while pulling down measurerer with your free hand... Measure down to the upper tip of your hip bone. (BTW... if you can still feel ur hip bone, ur fine - End) ...
 Take the resulting measurement and divide in thirds (roughly) and locate the point that equates to 1/3 of the total measurement between top of hip bone pointing vertical... unless you can't stand (AT this point, again I say - End). Using ur bloody tape measure yet again, measure the circumference around the height of your body chosen by the last measurement. Wa La... You've just measured your waste (freudian slip, *burp Waist)... You have one... and are lean enough to do this excercise. and speaking of that, ya just burned 32.5 calories in the process! Good for you!