Thursday, August 25, 2011

Take it or Leave it

That's my food secret. I have stocked my fridge and cupboards with foods that are nutritious but basically are foods that I could take or leave. There's not one foodstuff in this house that I crave and could gorge on. Each thing I eat, I eat knowing it will help me reach my goal of a HEALTHY 150 lbs. I avoid many of the centre ailes at the grocery store and stick to the outer edges for the fresh foods - meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit, dairy... you get the picture.  I've even been spotted at  local farmer's markets. It's good exercise and markets are Dog-Friendly... a plus when buying my food! We make it an outing.

I do wish, however, that the food at these gatherings wasn't so freakin' expensive. 5 bucks for a pint of green beans??? Are you serious... locally grown? Another 5 bucks for some locally grown lettuce/mesculin mix. Same things in a grocery store would be 3 dollars each. I'm not made of money. I really feel that I wasted 4 of my hard-earned dollars!  I really can't afford Farmer's Markets but try to do my bit for the local economy.

The reason for this entry.... I made it!  My healthy-eating weight loss program began 8 weeks ago tomorrow morning. (Canada Day - to be exact.) I made my goal of 20 lbs in 8 weeks... without Herbal Magic or magic of any kind.... To date, I've lost 22 lbs... and yes, I'm DAMN PROUD!

Created a new soup last night as I'm still trying to find hot things to make for myself that are not fattening. Nope. Not a cabbage leaf in sight! My soup consists of Beets, Kale, Leeks, Apples, Pears, Carrots, Olive Oil, Cinnamon, and Allspice.  I also used 1 tsp of salt for 14 cups of soup... not too much but enough to really pump up the flavour. The sweetness from the carrots, pears and apples make it much more enjoyable to me and the Cinnamon and Allspice make it almost seem like a desert. BTW... tried it chilled too. Good.  Not sure what the freezer and microwave are going to do with it but will find out soon enough. Work Lunches. And a great benefit.... only 124 calories for 2 cups!

So my next mini goal?.... 30lbs by September 30th. OK so only 8 lbs in over 5 weeks... not too difficult? Well... I'd hoped to lose 31 lbs by September 12th - my weight 3 years ago at a reunion I attended. I worked damn hard to get to that weight. Literally exercised my butt off. Went to the reunion and then gained all the weight back and more because I quit exercising. Did I mention I HATE to exercise? Thought so.

I'm not finding this weight loss hard at all because I'm still not exercising. So it might take a bit longer but I know I can keep it off. When I start to see the shape I want to be, then I may exercise to tone up... but not to sweat any fat away. I'm off that gerbil-mill!

Hmmm. What's for supper...... fresh, sweet red cherries... 15 or so... and a pear... Supper is my smallest meal of the day.... Wooo Hooo.... Nothing to cook... No dirty dishes!

Ciao Chickadees!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

20 Seems So Far Away!

No, I'm not speaking of age... although there's a case for that too. 

My weight-loss progress has slowed, though not completely stalled. I'm somewhat frustrated but not enough to cave!  Nope!! I've come this far... and am already thinking what I will add to my diet in the colder fall and winter months. Foods that are hot or at least warm that are nutritious and substantial but not fattening. I don't relish eating cold food during a cold Canadian Winter. That would not only SUCK, it would be impossible.  I'm thinking  Yams/Sweet Potatoes for a start....

Oh! I must tell you about Egg Creations... egg-whites-In-a-carton Omelets.  I love the Cheese and Chive one... Non-stick pan and no butter or cooking spray and Wa La... 70 calories 1/2 cup omelet with lots of flavour and QUICK... same time as it takes to pop in ONE slice of Country Harvest "Ancient Grains" bread into the toaster and have it out and spread with 1/2 Tbsp. Reduced Fat Peanut Butter, 1 SMALL banana broken in two and mashed down on the peanut butter,  count out 10 raw whole almonds on the plate and mix 1-3/4 cup water with 1/4 cup bottled lemon juice (NO SUGAR lemonade) to drink instead of what I used to have - Cream and sugar-laced Coffee and lots of it. 4 regular cups per morning BEFORE work. Many days, that coffee was my ONLY breakfast!

Sidetracked.... Back to my story.
I've lost 19.4lbs towards my goal of 50lbs and might still squeak in for meeting my August 25th goal of 20lbs in 8 weeks. It will be tough. This past week, I've lost ONLY 1 lb.

I can hear that elliptical machine calling out to me. My issue... OK. One of many issues... is that I've never liked to exercise. Lets be honest... Part of the reason is laziness. Much of the reason though is that I have bad... aka dislocating... knees. When I finish an exercise session, it is not a good hurt that I feel. It is a painful one. With every session, the pain increases until I find my knees locking as I get to the top of any of the stairways I'm required to navigate in my daily life. (BTW... I live in a 3rd-floor Walk-Up.) If you have issues with locking knee-caps, you'll know that this is VERY painful. Because of this, I rarely keep up with an exercise routine for long. Yes, I can do weights and crunches and leg lifts etc., but they are not the cardio workout my body needs. Lunges, and other load-bearing, knee-bent exercises cause the same issues. Whine. Whine. Whine! Right?

The following is a moment in my life that, although it happened with over 40 other people taking an active role in the same moment, I'll bet that I'm the only one who remembers it at all. It still haunts me to this day.

This moment occurred during my Military Basic Training, 27 years ago. (Maybe I've not mentioned The Military yet...  Story(s) for another day.) We were to perform "Star Jumps" during a Physical Training Class. I'd had corrective surgery on both of my knees 3 years prior to this day and knew my limitations.   To perform a "Star Jump", one quickly springs up from a "squat position" to a fully extended "jumping jack" position and immediately back down to a squat. I've heard the exercise has been banned since I was in Basic. I knew that if I was to make it through Basic Training and have a Military Career, I would be wise to sit that particular move out. In Military Training, making your own decisions is not an option and that particular class counts as one of the worst times of my life. My platoon-mates were awarded an extra 50 Star Jumps while I was ordered to the sideline to watch them suffer.  This was after they had already completed the allotted 25 repetitions for the class.

Needless to say, my platoon mates were not pleased with the PERI's ( Physical Education & Recreation Instructors) and were less pleased with me.  I would not allow this to happen again and pushed myself passed the pain for all of the remaining PT classes.  Some 8 or 9 weeks later, I pushed myself  too hard on a "Forced March" and ended up in  soft casts (both legs) and crutches for the entire last weekend of Basic Training and could not leave the barracks. Thankfully, by then I'd been forgiven and platoon mates would bring food back for me from the mess hall so I didn't starve. BTW... using the toilet was a B!#@&!

Where was I?  Oh yes, all this to explain that I'm not one for exercise so what I don't lose by diet changes, is likely to come back on anyway.  My thinking is this. If I start exercising, I will lose more weight but when - NOT IF - I stop, that particular poundage will slither right back on. This is not my wish so I will be patient and if 1 pound a week is all this body will allow, then I must accept and be thankful. 

I've learned that I have a few followers to my blog. Each of you has expressed similar issues with weight. I hope that baring my soul will help you with your endeavours too.

Remember... Weight Loss is not only an achievement GOAL. More importantly, THE WAY in which you reach your goal will make all the difference in your lives. 

Keep at it... and Whine a bit if it makes ya feel better to get it off your chest!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy on the UP Side

It has been awhile but that shouldn't matter as I'm fairly certain I'm typing to myself only.  The Hog and Cob a couple of weekends ago was very fun. Thanks Robyn. Love the farm, especially the Highland Longhorns and Labrador Retrievers!

I was so proud of myself to keep within my caloric limit and then BLAM!!! The next day I STUFFED myself with about 2 dozen Peanut Butter Cookies that I'd made way too many of to take to the Hog and Cob (Pot Luck it was.) Yes, approx. 24 Cookies. I did not count... was too busy stuffing my face. Damn they were good. But I paid for it! I'd not had any sugar or butter in my diet so you can bet that hung on for a bit. Little did I know that 24 Cookies equates to 1.5 fat lbs!  It did - 1.6 actually. Thankfully it didn't have time to get a good grip and I'd removed the ne'er-do-well within 3 days.

Now I'm Happy to be on the UP Side of the Slippery (Tempting) Slope and this morning's weigh-in recorded that I've lost 15.2lbs to date.  My newest minor goal is to have lost 20lbs by 25 August. You see, Herbal Magic CLAIMS to enable you to lose UP TO 20Lbs in as little as 8 Weeks.  I have 20 days left to lose 4.8 lbs and I WILL have lost 20Lbs in 8 weeks... not just UP TO 20Lbs.  No Herbal Magic up MY SLEEVE! Just

I'm really looking forward to seeing my friend, April next week. She has moved here from Edmonton and she was the one who politely let me know that I didn't look like me anymore. She'd not seen me in 2.5 years until June 27th. She didn't recognize me... and it wasn't the short hair. April does not know that I've been on a weight loss plan and that she was the catalyst.  I hope she sees a difference. 15-16 lbs on a tall frame is not a drastic change. At 5' 10.5", I'd say my frame is tall.

I'll keep ya (Me) Posted. Might even update ya on a useful exercise I've been challenged to teach my dog. A Cairn. Teach? Not in their vocabulary! Putting his toys away. Interesting... Very Interesting.
