Who-the-freak can do this every DAY? I thought I didn't have a life... and some days, I still ponder that observation... but REALLY? No Children. No Spouse. Still, NO TIME! (but will continue to post :-) remembering it is MY diary... and not caring who reads.
OK... ME BAD. Not weighed in lately.... but was 172.2 when I thought I had to be well above 175. I can still atain my goal of 150 by 50... just maintaining now. Christmas is over... Thank CHRISTmas! TURKEY, GRAVY, STUFFING, POTATOES, BAKED BEANS, CRANBERRY SAUCE a thing of the past... not to mention MULLED WINE, COOKIES, CHOCOLATES, CANDIES of every description... OH... and PUMPKIN PIE and WHIPPED CREAM (LOVE IT).
Anyway... will kick into high gear come MARCH 18th. Why then? Don't think 2 months will get me to my goal and have no idea what St. Paddy's Day Holds... but usually something good ~ especially since I live 'walking distance' from an Irish Pub! So MARCH 18TH it is. Then work my arse off literally to get down to 150lbs by 50 years of age ~ June 9th... 2012... and stay close to there for the rest of my life. (Rumor has it that Weight LOSS is VERY difficult after Menopause... Here's me thinkin' ahead... Always thinkin' ahead.
I've found, although never met, a new friend. ERIC NGYEUN. He is a lawyer by trade but is thinking ahead for his retirement. From his pictures, I'm guessing he is 30. WE NORTH AMERICANS are so freakin' backwards! Eric has AGAIN restored my faith in HUMANITY. In his spare time, he designs and customizes dog collars and leashes. His TYPICAL CUSTOMERS are Rottweiler and Doberman Owners andother larger breads. I found his website by chance and noticed he uses a Lee Valley product. The rest is history. ... Gotta go... Heartbeat on TVO is on.... Don't want to miss... will continue on Sunday 22nd..