Thursday, July 7, 2011

1/10th ALREADY!

Well then. Not sure if this is supposed to be the hardest or the easiest end of the losing weight challenge but my willpower will not be outdone. I've managed to lose 5lbs. in my first week. Guess that shows how little I needed it.  I'm eating healthy... something I really don't enjoy. Nothing that is the colour of white has passed these lips Oops... Cottage Cheese is white... but you get the picture.. I've not eaten any chocolate nor drank any wine, for that matter any form of alcohol.

I've already made plans for my savings. First a Digital Weight Scale that will weigh me accurately. Mine is a 20-yr old dial type and when it gets down to the pinch, I know that if I lean left and slightly forward, I can cause the needle to move about 1.5lbs. in my favour. Kinda cheating but I know I'm doing it so I don't actually record those results but it makes my emotional side feel better... sort of nudging me to that goal sans the leaning. I've not had to do that so far but I've set an intermediate goal of another 5 lbs by the 21st... (2 weeks time).  It will get harder and harder to lose the weight. I understand but I will not cave. 

I already feel better. Now my stomach sticks out... just the way it used to WHEN I was trying to hold it in! Yup. It appears that that is where I lost most of the 5 lbs. It can't be the only place though because I've found it easier to get my watch done up too... I'll be damned if I'd put another link in it but the catch was pinching the inside of my wrist when I went to do it up. (Here's where I'd like to mention that although I'm tall (5'10-1/2") I'm small boned, and my wrists have always been small as with my long slender fingers. My rings were removed, unceremoniously, about 3 months ago because IF I got them on again, they'd not be coming off. But my watch was a requirement. It was part of the inducement for me to start back on the track of becoming me again.

I'm not exercising yet. I've decided to let the pounds  keep dropping off instead of exercising them and making them think they will be spending their final days hitching a ride on me. I will start exercising when I get down to my goal weight, unless I'm finding it impossible to get there without exercising. Way if see it, get the parts that I want to keep, fit... and don't put the added stress on my bones and joints exercising the junk I'm choosing to leave behind!

Will try to check in next week.
Ciao Chicklets

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