Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thankful for Queensway Carleton Hospital...

Where to begin...

I'm just finishing my extended "leave of absence" from work due to gall bladder surgery. That's the short story. Wanna hear the long one? 

As many of you have read, I've been on a rather serious weight-loss program. Through the past 4+ months, my body has had to digest very little Fats or greasy foods (Redundant?). On October 28th, we celebrated, early, Halloween at work with a Pot Luck Lunch.  (I took in my nearly famous Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies but that's another story.) Because I'd been so diligent on my diet, and because I'd now into the lowest-sized clothes in my closet... And can't find it in the budget to splurge on new ones... I'd decided that starting at the Pot Luck, I would eat regularly through the winter and save for new spring/summer fashions. (By next fall, I'll have one LottoMax and a fashion budget would no-longer be an issue.) That was the plan.

Those of you who know me, know my penchant for sweets, sugar in particular.  I've been known to say, jokingly of course,  that if I were handed a frozen turd on a stick ~ coated in sugar ~ I'd consider eating it. Yup, my craving for sugar IS that bad. Back to the Pot Luck. I ate a small plate of "first course" food but ate 3 equally full plates of deserts. Yes, three!  Later that evening and all through the night, my stomach was feeling very pained and I could not sleep. I chocked it up to my gluttonous behaviour and said this was my punishment. I deserved it. My system was not used to all these fatty foods after 4 months of deprivation. By morning, I felt fine, albeit tired.

There was still a problem. For the next 10 days, I continued to experience bouts of the same pain though less intense. It usually appeared a few hours after I ate my healthy lunch at work. By the 9th of November, I was in such bad shape I did not go to work and went to a clinic for a check-up instead. They took blood and urine samples, EKG, and X-ray. Also ordered an ultrasound but the lab was backed up for that one. Scheduled for December 8th.

I did not go back to work on the 10th or 11th and even on the 14th, Monday was not feeling better. I'd not heard back on the test results but had been given a prescription for a medication for a peptic ulcer. I had been taking the prescription for 5 days with no results. On the 14th, I went back to the clinic. Results from Xray, and samples came back negative. EKG still needed to be read by a cardiologist and his findings sent back to the clinic and of  course, the Ultrasound was not scheduled until 8 December.

I was given a requisition from the doctor on call to be seen at QCH for the ultrasound. I'd never been to this hospital before, not even as a visitor. Almost left when I realized that anything longer than a 2-hour stay was going to cost $14.00!!! I knew my wait was going to be longer than that.  So I got shuffled around, back and forth, one waiting area to the next and back again... after they'd drawn blood and urine yet again. I arrived there at 11:37am.  Was seen by a doctor at 3:30pm.... Had an ultrasound at 4pm... Test results given by Dr. Leahy, ~ Amazing Emergency Dr. ~  Was spoken to by Surgeons who also viewed the Ultrasound and told about possible procedures  ~ Drs. Masters and Weaver ~ Very Thorough... and they asked that I not leave the hospital but remain for surgery either the following day or latest would be the 16th. I was an emergency case and needed to be fit into the roster. By the time of hearing how serious my condition was, it was 10:30pm and all I could think about was Axie at home.  I'd already made arrangements with co-workers, who'd contacted my next-door neighbour to walk and feed him... but I still felt bad that he was all alone. I suppose it did keep my mind off some of the pain I was experiencing.

I was finally moved upstairs from Emergency at 3:45am on the 15th of November and had a bed in a semi-private room. This room I shared with a VERY nice lady named Mary. I did not sleep. I was hooked up to an IV drip and was given regular doses of 1mg hydromorphone for the pain. Finally, at 4pm on Tuesday the 15th, I was wheeled down to the OR and I felt every little crack and crevice in the floors on the way there. The Orderlies were gentle but the pain -while lying down was excruciating. For some reason it was not nearly as bad while sitting up. So once outside the OR, I did sit up and spoke with the Dr. ~ Syms ~ who would be performing behind the double doors. He was very personable and seemed to know his stuff. said he'd performed around1700 of these exact same Laproscopic Surgeries for removal of the Gall Bladder... He's 58, I asked... (and Handsome!)

I woke up in recovery around 5:50pm feeling 80% better!  The ride back to my room was a picnic in comparison to the ride down.  I took very few pain killers which seemed to surprise the nurses because they had been prescribed. By 10am on the 16th, I was up and with the aid of Nurse Wendy, was showering and getting my dressings changed. By 6pm that evening, I was discharged and my good friends Gina and Hal came to spring me. 

I met some wonderful people during my stay at QCHMaryna, her husband, Sasha, and their 7-yr old daughter, Sophia.  Axie LOVES Sophia. I think it's mutual.  I must remember to send the Birthday Card I picked out for my room-mate, Mary. Her birthday is December 6th. She lives in Pembroke but hopefully we will see each other again soon.

So I've been off work since the 9th of December and besides the brief stay away, I have been at Axie's beck and call. He and I have been getting along so well. He did not pull as much on his lead when he knew I was unwell. I think he sensed something was amiss.  On Monday, 28th, I have to  go back to work again. I've missed it there but know I'll miss The Axe-Man more than ever, once I return.

My weight was fluctuating all over the map during this time. I think I have things back to normal again. I'm currently at a loss of exactly 36lbs. I will try to remain at that weight 35lbs ~ give or take ~ through the winter and once spring rolls around, I push for the final 15lbs before 9th June.

I spent yesterday decorating for Christmas. Still have to stow away all the empty boxes and tidy up but that's what the weekends are for... well around here anyway. Glad I finally feel well enough to do it!  Oh and watched, "It's A Wonderful Life" while decorating. Have "Holiday Inn", Miracle on 34th St. (Classic and Newer Versions ~ both), and "White Christmas" still to watch. Yes I love the old Classics!

Hope you take some time for yourself during the marvelously hectic time of year.  Oh... and remember the SNOW TIRES! (That too, is another story.)

Merry Christmas One and All!

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