I hope everyone had a Christmas as wonderful as I did. Hard to explain what was so great about it. I went no-where, saw no-one.... Worked Christmas Eve (Saturday) and still enjoyed a wonderful time. The Axe-Man and I treated ourselves to a home-made Turkey dinner... sans ANYTHING GREEN!
I found a cute little turkey - only 6.73lbs. I felt it needed me... sort of like Charlie Brown's little Christmas Tree.
Made stuffing from scratch. Sourdough Bread cut into cubes and allowed to go stale overnight. With Bacon Pieces, Bacon Fat and warm water, Onion, Sage, Savory and Thyme.
Peeled and boiled up lots of potatoes. Mashed with Butter and Milk.
Soaked dried beans for 2 days and made baked beans with lots of bacon pieces and molasses, brown sugar, onion chunks, and prepared mustard.
Made un-cooked Cranberry Relish ( 1 Bag fresh Cranberries, FROZEN, 1/2 or whole orange INCLUDING skin, but remove pips/seeds, 3/4 cup white sugar, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp allspice... all in food processor for about 1-1/2 minutes. Spoon into a mason jar and refrigerate. Consume within about 3 weeks... if you can get it to last that long.
Turkey Gravy.
I spent $30.00 on Christmas Eve purchasing "left-over" containers that would fit into my insulated lunch bag. (Expensive little buggers at $5.97 per) and now have a bunch of complete Turkey Dinners in my freezer for future lunches at work ~ sans the Green Stuff. I cleaned off the turkey carcass and filled the containers (4 others Zip-lock ones too, so 9 Turkey dinners in total) with everything from our dinner... right down to the cranberries... (Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Baked Beans, and Cranberries). I did all this while my stomach was making room for the Pumpkin Pie and Whip Cream. Yum!
Axie is having issues with his paws this winter. Condo Corp has decided to treat the walkways and stairs with salt and some blue crystal-type crap. I didn't mind the Grit of winters-past but it seems there were complaints from neighbours who had time to complain about the grit, although no time to sweep up same grit in their entryways. I guess what they don't see, doesn't harm their carpets and hardwood??? Stupid!
So now Axie has learned how to wear booties and he's pretty darn good about it. He does not try to remove them but sometimes loses one when he gets running. I can tell he likes that his feet don't hurt anymore. Not sure he's put the puzzle together yet but knows something is better.
I'm still debating whether or not I should crack my $70.00 bottle of bubbly this New Years. Will be home with Axie. Should I be so Decadent?
Will let you know in the New Year. All the best to you and yours in 2012!
Sue and Accident
PS... Weight Control Program has been dented over the Christmas Season. Will get back to a more reasonable food selection by 7th January. Until then... still enjoying all the wonderful treats of the season. Hope you are not depriving yourself!
Typically a tongue-in-cheek look at life as I see it... usually a bit bizarre. At times its a place where I can keep track of the weird things I find myself pondering before I forget what I was thinking about ~ Yes, I'm at that age and Dammit! Somtimes it's straight rant. Be forewarned!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thankful for Queensway Carleton Hospital...
Where to begin...
I'm just finishing my extended "leave of absence" from work due to gall bladder surgery. That's the short story. Wanna hear the long one?
As many of you have read, I've been on a rather serious weight-loss program. Through the past 4+ months, my body has had to digest very little Fats or greasy foods (Redundant?). On October 28th, we celebrated, early, Halloween at work with a Pot Luck Lunch. (I took in my nearly famous Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies but that's another story.) Because I'd been so diligent on my diet, and because I'd now into the lowest-sized clothes in my closet... And can't find it in the budget to splurge on new ones... I'd decided that starting at the Pot Luck, I would eat regularly through the winter and save for new spring/summer fashions. (By next fall, I'll have one LottoMax and a fashion budget would no-longer be an issue.) That was the plan.
Those of you who know me, know my penchant for sweets, sugar in particular. I've been known to say, jokingly of course, that if I were handed a frozen turd on a stick ~ coated in sugar ~ I'd consider eating it. Yup, my craving for sugar IS that bad. Back to the Pot Luck. I ate a small plate of "first course" food but ate 3 equally full plates of deserts. Yes, three! Later that evening and all through the night, my stomach was feeling very pained and I could not sleep. I chocked it up to my gluttonous behaviour and said this was my punishment. I deserved it. My system was not used to all these fatty foods after 4 months of deprivation. By morning, I felt fine, albeit tired.
There was still a problem. For the next 10 days, I continued to experience bouts of the same pain though less intense. It usually appeared a few hours after I ate my healthy lunch at work. By the 9th of November, I was in such bad shape I did not go to work and went to a clinic for a check-up instead. They took blood and urine samples, EKG, and X-ray. Also ordered an ultrasound but the lab was backed up for that one. Scheduled for December 8th.
I did not go back to work on the 10th or 11th and even on the 14th, Monday was not feeling better. I'd not heard back on the test results but had been given a prescription for a medication for a peptic ulcer. I had been taking the prescription for 5 days with no results. On the 14th, I went back to the clinic. Results from Xray, and samples came back negative. EKG still needed to be read by a cardiologist and his findings sent back to the clinic and of course, the Ultrasound was not scheduled until 8 December.
I was given a requisition from the doctor on call to be seen at QCH for the ultrasound. I'd never been to this hospital before, not even as a visitor. Almost left when I realized that anything longer than a 2-hour stay was going to cost $14.00!!! I knew my wait was going to be longer than that. So I got shuffled around, back and forth, one waiting area to the next and back again... after they'd drawn blood and urine yet again. I arrived there at 11:37am. Was seen by a doctor at 3:30pm.... Had an ultrasound at 4pm... Test results given by Dr. Leahy, ~ Amazing Emergency Dr. ~ Was spoken to by Surgeons who also viewed the Ultrasound and told about possible procedures ~ Drs. Masters and Weaver ~ Very Thorough... and they asked that I not leave the hospital but remain for surgery either the following day or latest would be the 16th. I was an emergency case and needed to be fit into the roster. By the time of hearing how serious my condition was, it was 10:30pm and all I could think about was Axie at home. I'd already made arrangements with co-workers, who'd contacted my next-door neighbour to walk and feed him... but I still felt bad that he was all alone. I suppose it did keep my mind off some of the pain I was experiencing.
I was finally moved upstairs from Emergency at 3:45am on the 15th of November and had a bed in a semi-private room. This room I shared with a VERY nice lady named Mary. I did not sleep. I was hooked up to an IV drip and was given regular doses of 1mg hydromorphone for the pain. Finally, at 4pm on Tuesday the 15th, I was wheeled down to the OR and I felt every little crack and crevice in the floors on the way there. The Orderlies were gentle but the pain -while lying down was excruciating. For some reason it was not nearly as bad while sitting up. So once outside the OR, I did sit up and spoke with the Dr. ~ Syms ~ who would be performing behind the double doors. He was very personable and seemed to know his stuff. said he'd performed around1700 of these exact same Laproscopic Surgeries for removal of the Gall Bladder... He's 58, I asked... (and Handsome!)
I woke up in recovery around 5:50pm feeling 80% better! The ride back to my room was a picnic in comparison to the ride down. I took very few pain killers which seemed to surprise the nurses because they had been prescribed. By 10am on the 16th, I was up and with the aid of Nurse Wendy, was showering and getting my dressings changed. By 6pm that evening, I was discharged and my good friends Gina and Hal came to spring me.
I met some wonderful people during my stay at QCHMaryna, her husband, Sasha, and their 7-yr old daughter, Sophia. Axie LOVES Sophia. I think it's mutual. I must remember to send the Birthday Card I picked out for my room-mate, Mary. Her birthday is December 6th. She lives in Pembroke but hopefully we will see each other again soon.
So I've been off work since the 9th of December and besides the brief stay away, I have been at Axie's beck and call. He and I have been getting along so well. He did not pull as much on his lead when he knew I was unwell. I think he sensed something was amiss. On Monday, 28th, I have to go back to work again. I've missed it there but know I'll miss The Axe-Man more than ever, once I return.
My weight was fluctuating all over the map during this time. I think I have things back to normal again. I'm currently at a loss of exactly 36lbs. I will try to remain at that weight 35lbs ~ give or take ~ through the winter and once spring rolls around, I push for the final 15lbs before 9th June.
I spent yesterday decorating for Christmas. Still have to stow away all the empty boxes and tidy up but that's what the weekends are for... well around here anyway. Glad I finally feel well enough to do it! Oh and watched, "It's A Wonderful Life" while decorating. Have "Holiday Inn", Miracle on 34th St. (Classic and Newer Versions ~ both), and "White Christmas" still to watch. Yes I love the old Classics!
Hope you take some time for yourself during the marvelously hectic time of year. Oh... and remember the SNOW TIRES! (That too, is another story.)
Merry Christmas One and All!
I'm just finishing my extended "leave of absence" from work due to gall bladder surgery. That's the short story. Wanna hear the long one?
As many of you have read, I've been on a rather serious weight-loss program. Through the past 4+ months, my body has had to digest very little Fats or greasy foods (Redundant?). On October 28th, we celebrated, early, Halloween at work with a Pot Luck Lunch. (I took in my nearly famous Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies but that's another story.) Because I'd been so diligent on my diet, and because I'd now into the lowest-sized clothes in my closet... And can't find it in the budget to splurge on new ones... I'd decided that starting at the Pot Luck, I would eat regularly through the winter and save for new spring/summer fashions. (By next fall, I'll have one LottoMax and a fashion budget would no-longer be an issue.) That was the plan.
Those of you who know me, know my penchant for sweets, sugar in particular. I've been known to say, jokingly of course, that if I were handed a frozen turd on a stick ~ coated in sugar ~ I'd consider eating it. Yup, my craving for sugar IS that bad. Back to the Pot Luck. I ate a small plate of "first course" food but ate 3 equally full plates of deserts. Yes, three! Later that evening and all through the night, my stomach was feeling very pained and I could not sleep. I chocked it up to my gluttonous behaviour and said this was my punishment. I deserved it. My system was not used to all these fatty foods after 4 months of deprivation. By morning, I felt fine, albeit tired.
There was still a problem. For the next 10 days, I continued to experience bouts of the same pain though less intense. It usually appeared a few hours after I ate my healthy lunch at work. By the 9th of November, I was in such bad shape I did not go to work and went to a clinic for a check-up instead. They took blood and urine samples, EKG, and X-ray. Also ordered an ultrasound but the lab was backed up for that one. Scheduled for December 8th.
I did not go back to work on the 10th or 11th and even on the 14th, Monday was not feeling better. I'd not heard back on the test results but had been given a prescription for a medication for a peptic ulcer. I had been taking the prescription for 5 days with no results. On the 14th, I went back to the clinic. Results from Xray, and samples came back negative. EKG still needed to be read by a cardiologist and his findings sent back to the clinic and of course, the Ultrasound was not scheduled until 8 December.
I was given a requisition from the doctor on call to be seen at QCH for the ultrasound. I'd never been to this hospital before, not even as a visitor. Almost left when I realized that anything longer than a 2-hour stay was going to cost $14.00!!! I knew my wait was going to be longer than that. So I got shuffled around, back and forth, one waiting area to the next and back again... after they'd drawn blood and urine yet again. I arrived there at 11:37am. Was seen by a doctor at 3:30pm.... Had an ultrasound at 4pm... Test results given by Dr. Leahy, ~ Amazing Emergency Dr. ~ Was spoken to by Surgeons who also viewed the Ultrasound and told about possible procedures ~ Drs. Masters and Weaver ~ Very Thorough... and they asked that I not leave the hospital but remain for surgery either the following day or latest would be the 16th. I was an emergency case and needed to be fit into the roster. By the time of hearing how serious my condition was, it was 10:30pm and all I could think about was Axie at home. I'd already made arrangements with co-workers, who'd contacted my next-door neighbour to walk and feed him... but I still felt bad that he was all alone. I suppose it did keep my mind off some of the pain I was experiencing.
I was finally moved upstairs from Emergency at 3:45am on the 15th of November and had a bed in a semi-private room. This room I shared with a VERY nice lady named Mary. I did not sleep. I was hooked up to an IV drip and was given regular doses of 1mg hydromorphone for the pain. Finally, at 4pm on Tuesday the 15th, I was wheeled down to the OR and I felt every little crack and crevice in the floors on the way there. The Orderlies were gentle but the pain -while lying down was excruciating. For some reason it was not nearly as bad while sitting up. So once outside the OR, I did sit up and spoke with the Dr. ~ Syms ~ who would be performing behind the double doors. He was very personable and seemed to know his stuff. said he'd performed around1700 of these exact same Laproscopic Surgeries for removal of the Gall Bladder... He's 58, I asked... (and Handsome!)
I woke up in recovery around 5:50pm feeling 80% better! The ride back to my room was a picnic in comparison to the ride down. I took very few pain killers which seemed to surprise the nurses because they had been prescribed. By 10am on the 16th, I was up and with the aid of Nurse Wendy, was showering and getting my dressings changed. By 6pm that evening, I was discharged and my good friends Gina and Hal came to spring me.
I met some wonderful people during my stay at QCHMaryna, her husband, Sasha, and their 7-yr old daughter, Sophia. Axie LOVES Sophia. I think it's mutual. I must remember to send the Birthday Card I picked out for my room-mate, Mary. Her birthday is December 6th. She lives in Pembroke but hopefully we will see each other again soon.
So I've been off work since the 9th of December and besides the brief stay away, I have been at Axie's beck and call. He and I have been getting along so well. He did not pull as much on his lead when he knew I was unwell. I think he sensed something was amiss. On Monday, 28th, I have to go back to work again. I've missed it there but know I'll miss The Axe-Man more than ever, once I return.
My weight was fluctuating all over the map during this time. I think I have things back to normal again. I'm currently at a loss of exactly 36lbs. I will try to remain at that weight 35lbs ~ give or take ~ through the winter and once spring rolls around, I push for the final 15lbs before 9th June.
I spent yesterday decorating for Christmas. Still have to stow away all the empty boxes and tidy up but that's what the weekends are for... well around here anyway. Glad I finally feel well enough to do it! Oh and watched, "It's A Wonderful Life" while decorating. Have "Holiday Inn", Miracle on 34th St. (Classic and Newer Versions ~ both), and "White Christmas" still to watch. Yes I love the old Classics!
Hope you take some time for yourself during the marvelously hectic time of year. Oh... and remember the SNOW TIRES! (That too, is another story.)
Merry Christmas One and All!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wow... Didn't know so much time had passed...
What a great day I had. House Cleaned. Laundry Done, Dog "weekend-groomed" which includes filing of nails... as well as the daily brush, comb, eye-cleaning, and teeth-brushing. Sock Drawer cleaned out... Underwear Drawer cleaned out. Axie taken in to work for a romp with the Saturday Staff, Nicholas Sparks paperback finished. Dinner completed. OK.. My day might not have been up there on the excitement factor list alongside meeting Barbara Striesand but still! I'm proud of my accomplishments and am happy that I can laze around (between dog-walks) tomorrow and not feel guilty.
Only thing left on the agenda tonight is one final walk and turning the clocks back. Oh another thing I did today... FINALLY remembered to speak to my neighbour about turning off her radio alarm when she is not spending the night at home on the weekends. She's happily in love (Even I can hear their bells ringing in the distance.) and stays with her boyfriend some nights. During the week, I get up before she does so when her alarm goes off, I hear it but am usually up and already at'em. On the weekend, though, I don't want to hear her music through the wall at 6:15am. I'm usually hoping I can sleep in until 7 or 7:30. Today I remembered to speak with her. She was extremely apologetic, not knowing that I could hear her alarm in the first place. Yup thin walls. Won't tell you what else I hear. I did mention she's happily in love... but forgot to say that her boyfriend stops over at her place some nights. LOL
As far as weight loss program is going, I'm curbing it for a bit. 31.4lbs and am in a holding pattern. There is a very good reason for this... Finances. Now I've reached the far end of my closet and would need to buy new clothes if I lose much more weight. Spring and Summer clothes are less expensive and then I'll have an extra 6 months to win LottoMax.... I've been buying one ticket a week for only 6 weeks and have already won 2 free tickets. My tickets from now on will be with my own numbers. I have my reasons. Anyway... that seems about the only way I'll ever be able to afford a new wardrobe. and then I can get the last 20lb-monkey off my back.
Besides... It's too freakin' cold out to be eating like a rabbit now. I need hot food to help stay warm. We have had our Smart Meters turned on by Ottawa Hydro. Today is the first day I would allow myself to turn on the heat.... Yup, my place is heated electrically. Have had about 1/2 a dozen days so far where there was frost on the cars that needed scraping... even at 9am. Yup Cold... but don't want to use the heat as peak-hour rates changed to "Winter" on Nov 1st and so peak rates are from 7am to 11am (weekdays only) and again from 5pm to 7pm (weekdays only). Note today is SATURDAY - OFF PEAK all day. I've been getting up well before 6am to shower and wash my hair... Need time for the hot water in the tank to fully heat BEFORE 7am. And to Dry my hair... but only wash it 2 times a week now to conserve. Nope... don't consider myself an environmentalist. Just trying to keep a roof over my head so keeping tabs on my money.
Even Axie is finding in cold indoors. He's actually cuddling up to me now... On the couch when I'm reading and in bed. Never used to do that. I've decided to ignore the reason behind his closeness. Just happy that its happening. I'm cautiously looking forward to my hydro bill mid month. If it's not lower, I'll be raising a HUGE stink. Heck I only use my computer once per day now and not only turn it off but unplug it AND unplug the wireless adapter (I noticed it was very warm on day even though my computer was not on.) when I'm not using them. Soon I'll be buying only the fresh food I can consume in a couple of days and will unplug my fridge too. There's really not that much in there.... about a quarter full and much of it does not need to be in the fridge in the winter months now that I have a VERY Cool Home. OK... so you caught me!.... Dieting and keep butter in the fridge. What's that all about? LOL. The key is to not make a pig of the fattening (Good) stuff. Use SPARINGLY... and be sure to enjoy what small amount you do consume... and trip the guilt to the curb!
Hmmm.... Wonder if I can convince the Axe-Man to have his last walk now... instead of in an hour or so.... Doubt it.... especially since we get an extra hour sleep tonight. His poor little bladder might bust. He's such a good dog about that. Never makes a mess. He showed me his limits years ago and I don't expect him to last beyond that. He's good for 10.5 hours. I'm proud of that and of him! Pushing him past that would not be fair... That would be equivalent to someone telling you that no matter WHAT you've consumed, you're not allowed to use the Ladies/Gents for 10.5 hours. Could YOU do it? I couldn't! Yup, Axie is a great dog.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, is still with their programs and REMEMBERS to turn their clocks back an hour... Well, here in North America anyway.
Only thing left on the agenda tonight is one final walk and turning the clocks back. Oh another thing I did today... FINALLY remembered to speak to my neighbour about turning off her radio alarm when she is not spending the night at home on the weekends. She's happily in love (Even I can hear their bells ringing in the distance.) and stays with her boyfriend some nights. During the week, I get up before she does so when her alarm goes off, I hear it but am usually up and already at'em. On the weekend, though, I don't want to hear her music through the wall at 6:15am. I'm usually hoping I can sleep in until 7 or 7:30. Today I remembered to speak with her. She was extremely apologetic, not knowing that I could hear her alarm in the first place. Yup thin walls. Won't tell you what else I hear. I did mention she's happily in love... but forgot to say that her boyfriend stops over at her place some nights. LOL
As far as weight loss program is going, I'm curbing it for a bit. 31.4lbs and am in a holding pattern. There is a very good reason for this... Finances. Now I've reached the far end of my closet and would need to buy new clothes if I lose much more weight. Spring and Summer clothes are less expensive and then I'll have an extra 6 months to win LottoMax.... I've been buying one ticket a week for only 6 weeks and have already won 2 free tickets. My tickets from now on will be with my own numbers. I have my reasons. Anyway... that seems about the only way I'll ever be able to afford a new wardrobe. and then I can get the last 20lb-monkey off my back.
Besides... It's too freakin' cold out to be eating like a rabbit now. I need hot food to help stay warm. We have had our Smart Meters turned on by Ottawa Hydro. Today is the first day I would allow myself to turn on the heat.... Yup, my place is heated electrically. Have had about 1/2 a dozen days so far where there was frost on the cars that needed scraping... even at 9am. Yup Cold... but don't want to use the heat as peak-hour rates changed to "Winter" on Nov 1st and so peak rates are from 7am to 11am (weekdays only) and again from 5pm to 7pm (weekdays only). Note today is SATURDAY - OFF PEAK all day. I've been getting up well before 6am to shower and wash my hair... Need time for the hot water in the tank to fully heat BEFORE 7am. And to Dry my hair... but only wash it 2 times a week now to conserve. Nope... don't consider myself an environmentalist. Just trying to keep a roof over my head so keeping tabs on my money.
Even Axie is finding in cold indoors. He's actually cuddling up to me now... On the couch when I'm reading and in bed. Never used to do that. I've decided to ignore the reason behind his closeness. Just happy that its happening. I'm cautiously looking forward to my hydro bill mid month. If it's not lower, I'll be raising a HUGE stink. Heck I only use my computer once per day now and not only turn it off but unplug it AND unplug the wireless adapter (I noticed it was very warm on day even though my computer was not on.) when I'm not using them. Soon I'll be buying only the fresh food I can consume in a couple of days and will unplug my fridge too. There's really not that much in there.... about a quarter full and much of it does not need to be in the fridge in the winter months now that I have a VERY Cool Home. OK... so you caught me!.... Dieting and keep butter in the fridge. What's that all about? LOL. The key is to not make a pig of the fattening (Good) stuff. Use SPARINGLY... and be sure to enjoy what small amount you do consume... and trip the guilt to the curb!
Hmmm.... Wonder if I can convince the Axe-Man to have his last walk now... instead of in an hour or so.... Doubt it.... especially since we get an extra hour sleep tonight. His poor little bladder might bust. He's such a good dog about that. Never makes a mess. He showed me his limits years ago and I don't expect him to last beyond that. He's good for 10.5 hours. I'm proud of that and of him! Pushing him past that would not be fair... That would be equivalent to someone telling you that no matter WHAT you've consumed, you're not allowed to use the Ladies/Gents for 10.5 hours. Could YOU do it? I couldn't! Yup, Axie is a great dog.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, is still with their programs and REMEMBERS to turn their clocks back an hour... Well, here in North America anyway.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
God... IF you are truely out there... I could use some assistance.
Hello Followers (few and far-between),
Holy Freakin' Crap!... Was that an expletive? Well it is for good measure!
I have had an INTERESTING week to say the least. An appointment at the bank found that I have 50,000 dollars more to deal/play/work with than in 2007. I'm writing about borrowing here... not My actual money. It is weird though as my raises have amounted to LESS than the cost of living... Something about interest rates being much lower. (I'd be embarrassed to state my actual income but you Bean-counters can tally it quite easily, I'm sure.)
Anyway, I've come to the same conclusion that many before me are prepared (or not) to admit. I am "COMFORTABLY BROKE."
I'm sure many of you would not Kowtow to defeat as I appear to have done... but with a roof over my head and a job that I ENJOY, I'm far from complaining. My bank is willing to give me a loan that suits them but in 5 years will likely NOT suit ME. Will have to re-think my options. Sorry Shanta.
Weird! On another note, I've decided to re-enact my membership to "Meet Market. Com". So FREAKIN" vulgar... but still... and I've updated my profile. Thankfully at no expense.
On the brighter note... Have FINALLY made it to "30lbs LOST." A few HOURS outside of my goal but I'm happy to have arrived!
Not sure if 40lbs, within the month of October, is healthily within my grasp... so know that I'm working towards IT and will be ecstatic if I CAN reach it. (Extra wine enabled me to honestly fill out my Meet Market questionaire and I did not record it on my daily LoseIt Chart.) Maybe 37.5lbs is a more realistic goal now that the colder months are approaching. I'll need to eat warm food which appears to contain more calories than rabbit food.
Success to all followers... Especially those below the 49th parallel (Canada)!!!
Holy Freakin' Crap!... Was that an expletive? Well it is for good measure!
I have had an INTERESTING week to say the least. An appointment at the bank found that I have 50,000 dollars more to deal/play/work with than in 2007. I'm writing about borrowing here... not My actual money. It is weird though as my raises have amounted to LESS than the cost of living... Something about interest rates being much lower. (I'd be embarrassed to state my actual income but you Bean-counters can tally it quite easily, I'm sure.)
Anyway, I've come to the same conclusion that many before me are prepared (or not) to admit. I am "COMFORTABLY BROKE."
I'm sure many of you would not Kowtow to defeat as I appear to have done... but with a roof over my head and a job that I ENJOY, I'm far from complaining. My bank is willing to give me a loan that suits them but in 5 years will likely NOT suit ME. Will have to re-think my options. Sorry Shanta.
Weird! On another note, I've decided to re-enact my membership to "Meet Market. Com". So FREAKIN" vulgar... but still... and I've updated my profile. Thankfully at no expense.
On the brighter note... Have FINALLY made it to "30lbs LOST." A few HOURS outside of my goal but I'm happy to have arrived!
Not sure if 40lbs, within the month of October, is healthily within my grasp... so know that I'm working towards IT and will be ecstatic if I CAN reach it. (Extra wine enabled me to honestly fill out my Meet Market questionaire and I did not record it on my daily LoseIt Chart.) Maybe 37.5lbs is a more realistic goal now that the colder months are approaching. I'll need to eat warm food which appears to contain more calories than rabbit food.
Success to all followers... Especially those below the 49th parallel (Canada)!!!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
What a Fantastic Day!
Now hang on. I did not win a lottery, nor did I complete a manuscript for that book I said I'd have published by the time I was 50... (Silly me!)
Today, I woke a bit late. The sun was up ahead of me for a change. Axie trotted into the bedroom, hopped up onto the bed, via the steps I made him, stood on my chest and gave me a quick lick on the nose. I love when he does that. He's not a slobbery dog and he's rarely demonstrative with his affection (Typical Male in that regard). I know our day has started off perfectly on the rare occasion that he behaves this way.
After a bit of cuddling, another thing Axie does not usually approve of, we got up and I prepared his breakfast. While he ate, I dressed. Outdoors by 7:20am and went for an amazing walk on some paths of the Greenbelt. Back home and time for weigh-in. This is a schedule I've been following since my weight loss venture began. Walk~Weigh. I have weighed myself EVERY DAY since July 1st. Today something else to make it a Fantastic Day.... loss of 0.8lbs... but something tells me it's all water. Oh well. So much better than gaining 0.8lbs.
I followed that up with MY breakfast while Axie kept nudging me in the calf with his nose to go play with him. This time I got MY WAY and he had to play with his squeaky toys by himself. By 9:00am, I was nearly knee deep in Peanut Butter! I baked 21 DOZEN Peanut Butter Cookies today. Tomorrow I will turn these individual cookies into Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies ~ the same recipe I brought to the Hog and Cobb in July. So much easier to bake in the cooler weather. Today held only a 17C high but on July 23rd, it was 29C with the humidex reading of 37C.... What-the-Crispy-Crunch was I thinking??? Today, I actually enjoyed baking.
Did I mention that Axie got bored of me and my baking even though he got to lick out the two 1-kg PB Jars that I emptied while making the cookies? This is what he was doing.... on the dining room table... aka... my desk.
We stopped around noon as nature called Axie, therefore Moi, outdoors again. We had a short walk and when we came back, I had lunch. I didn't feel like turning the oven back on even though I still had about 6 dozen cookies to bake so I asked.... yes.... I asked the Axe-Man if he'd like to go to work with me. This is where he gets to run loose on carpet... and man... can the little guy ever fly! He loves going in because everyone dotes on him AND gives me their STRESS BALLS to throw for him. I packed up his water and a few treats and some cookies (4 dozen) and in we went.
Yup, That's my boy on my messy desk. We've been pretty busy lately... thankfully! Oh.... and note the evidence that once there was a stressball in his vicinity...
He was zonked in about an hour. I thought it would be the perfect time to make a quick trip to the Dollar Store as I'd no containers for 21 dozen cookies! My dog squealed his bloody head off as I walked away from the car and I could hear him as I entered the store.... and that was 50 yards away. He had water, the windows were rolled down slightly and it was only 17C and partly cloudy by then... not too hot but my little monster is spoiled. I never, until now, leave him in the car. Here's me thinking he'd sleep and hardly notice I was gone. Nope. Still squealing when I came out with containers, 10 minutes later.
Well now the cookies are all baked and I'm supposed to be sealing them up until tomorrow, when I'll add the filling.... In case you'd like to know how to dress up YOUR PB cookies, Whip together: 8 ounces of Cream Cheese, 1/2 Cup PB, and 1/2 Cup Icing Sugar. That's it... Spread it on back of one cookie, Slap that to the backside of another cookie and you will get rave reviews too!
With all the temptation, I did not waver... Yet LOL. Twice I found myself cleaning off my index finger by way of my mouth. As soon as I realized what I had in my mouth tasted gloriously sinful, I promptly spat the demon dough into my kitchen sink! SERIOUS!
The weight loss is still on track. I think I should be able to make my goal of 30lbs by September 30th. I've lost 28.6lbs to date. I've added something into my daily diet that I had banned for the first two months. Each night... if I feel like it... which I ALWAYS do, I enjoy 3 ounces (75 Calories) of Red Wine. This might sound really bizarre, but to make it last longer, I MIX it with 7 ounces of Canada Dry Club Soda. Red Wine Spritzer.
One more walk awaits us so I should be going to get part of it in before dark. I've added a few pics so you can see that a picture really is worth 1000 words, or more where the Axe-Man is concerned!
Hope you are giving yourselves everything you deserve... and that your expectations are within your means.
(Expecting 2C tomorrow morning Brrrrr!!! Where'd I pack those darn Woolies?)
Today, I woke a bit late. The sun was up ahead of me for a change. Axie trotted into the bedroom, hopped up onto the bed, via the steps I made him, stood on my chest and gave me a quick lick on the nose. I love when he does that. He's not a slobbery dog and he's rarely demonstrative with his affection (Typical Male in that regard). I know our day has started off perfectly on the rare occasion that he behaves this way.
After a bit of cuddling, another thing Axie does not usually approve of, we got up and I prepared his breakfast. While he ate, I dressed. Outdoors by 7:20am and went for an amazing walk on some paths of the Greenbelt. Back home and time for weigh-in. This is a schedule I've been following since my weight loss venture began. Walk~Weigh. I have weighed myself EVERY DAY since July 1st. Today something else to make it a Fantastic Day.... loss of 0.8lbs... but something tells me it's all water. Oh well. So much better than gaining 0.8lbs.
I followed that up with MY breakfast while Axie kept nudging me in the calf with his nose to go play with him. This time I got MY WAY and he had to play with his squeaky toys by himself. By 9:00am, I was nearly knee deep in Peanut Butter! I baked 21 DOZEN Peanut Butter Cookies today. Tomorrow I will turn these individual cookies into Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies ~ the same recipe I brought to the Hog and Cobb in July. So much easier to bake in the cooler weather. Today held only a 17C high but on July 23rd, it was 29C with the humidex reading of 37C.... What-the-Crispy-Crunch was I thinking??? Today, I actually enjoyed baking.
Did I mention that Axie got bored of me and my baking even though he got to lick out the two 1-kg PB Jars that I emptied while making the cookies? This is what he was doing.... on the dining room table... aka... my desk.
We stopped around noon as nature called Axie, therefore Moi, outdoors again. We had a short walk and when we came back, I had lunch. I didn't feel like turning the oven back on even though I still had about 6 dozen cookies to bake so I asked.... yes.... I asked the Axe-Man if he'd like to go to work with me. This is where he gets to run loose on carpet... and man... can the little guy ever fly! He loves going in because everyone dotes on him AND gives me their STRESS BALLS to throw for him. I packed up his water and a few treats and some cookies (4 dozen) and in we went.
Yup, That's my boy on my messy desk. We've been pretty busy lately... thankfully! Oh.... and note the evidence that once there was a stressball in his vicinity...
He was zonked in about an hour. I thought it would be the perfect time to make a quick trip to the Dollar Store as I'd no containers for 21 dozen cookies! My dog squealed his bloody head off as I walked away from the car and I could hear him as I entered the store.... and that was 50 yards away. He had water, the windows were rolled down slightly and it was only 17C and partly cloudy by then... not too hot but my little monster is spoiled. I never, until now, leave him in the car. Here's me thinking he'd sleep and hardly notice I was gone. Nope. Still squealing when I came out with containers, 10 minutes later.
Well now the cookies are all baked and I'm supposed to be sealing them up until tomorrow, when I'll add the filling.... In case you'd like to know how to dress up YOUR PB cookies, Whip together: 8 ounces of Cream Cheese, 1/2 Cup PB, and 1/2 Cup Icing Sugar. That's it... Spread it on back of one cookie, Slap that to the backside of another cookie and you will get rave reviews too!
With all the temptation, I did not waver... Yet LOL. Twice I found myself cleaning off my index finger by way of my mouth. As soon as I realized what I had in my mouth tasted gloriously sinful, I promptly spat the demon dough into my kitchen sink! SERIOUS!
The weight loss is still on track. I think I should be able to make my goal of 30lbs by September 30th. I've lost 28.6lbs to date. I've added something into my daily diet that I had banned for the first two months. Each night... if I feel like it... which I ALWAYS do, I enjoy 3 ounces (75 Calories) of Red Wine. This might sound really bizarre, but to make it last longer, I MIX it with 7 ounces of Canada Dry Club Soda. Red Wine Spritzer.
One more walk awaits us so I should be going to get part of it in before dark. I've added a few pics so you can see that a picture really is worth 1000 words, or more where the Axe-Man is concerned!
Hope you are giving yourselves everything you deserve... and that your expectations are within your means.
(Expecting 2C tomorrow morning Brrrrr!!! Where'd I pack those darn Woolies?)
Monday, September 5, 2011
Where did my Summer Go??!!!
Today is Labour Day and the unofficial last day of Summer. The days are still quite warm but the nights cool off quite quickly. It must have something to do with how early the skies are dark. I'm back to a night walk with a flashlight to retrieve any possible gifts Axie designates as mine. Forgot it tonight so I'm glad my gift was placed under a streetlight.
I'm not one to enjoy the changing of seasons from Summer to Autumn. As pretty as it can be for photographers, I can't seem to get past the fact that everything is dying and I will soon be waking up to Jack in the mornings to be followed soon after by snow.
I like the little flashlight Axie and I use on our walks though ~ when I remember it ~ It's this really cool one given to me by a friend at work. It has a lanyard and as it hangs around my neck, and I'm stooping to clean, it points directly where I need it to. One hand on Axie's lead, one on the "gift" bag, and light on the situation. The lanyard on it is ingenious. My flashlight's also a pen, (Not sure if I'll be needing that... but glad it's there.), and only weighs about 2 ounces! Anyway, I'm happy that my friend was thinking of Axie and me when he gave me this little treasure.
Speaking of dying and Jack, I'm a HUGE Corrie Fan. Bill Tarmey has finally left the show after 31 years. He played Jack Duckworth and was written out as having died comfortably in his sleep. while in his favourite recliner, listening to golden oldies on the record player given to him that day by "family" for his 74th birthday... He quietly slipped out of his Birthday Celebrations at the Rovers Return, to come home and peacefully go to sleep. This, only weeks after learning he had terminal cancer. He chose not to undergo treatments to prolong his life. Yes, it was only a character Bill Tarmey played but I thought to myself, as I shed a tear, "That's what I would do too." Short and sweet. No Muss. No Fuss.
As I am a HUGE Coronation Street fan, I'm also wondering where/when I will find the time to watch 5 hours of Corrie each week, starting today. Don't get me wrong. I'm thrilled that CBC is trying to catch up to the Brits. We are 10 months behind over here. As today was a holiday, I was able to watch a whole hour tonight but Sunday Mornings from 7 to 12 on TV... which means all Sunday afternoon for me online... Well atleast I won't have all the commercials to contend with and 1 hour of TV time is approx. 44 minutes of show time. I will save over an hour there. Whew! And no, I don't need a PVR. My rabbit ears are still working fine and my digital conversion box and audio/video cables are awesome! All for the price of less than 2 months of Cable!
In closing... the weight loss gig is slowing down. Not exactly a crawl but I can't help but see the exercise light looming brighter than I'd like it to be. I'm all for conserving energy... in lighting and in my body, meaning I'm still fighting the REQUIREMENT to break a sweat. I'm at 24.6lbs lost... 25.4lbs to go. I seem to have hit a wall. Still hoping for 30lbs by end September.
Did I mention I'm taking "Fat Pics"??? None fit to print, I'm afraid and if you saw them, you'd be afraid too....VERY SCAREEEEY!! Yes, every 7th of the month, I stand infront of my mirror and take front/back/side photos that I compare with the month before. Why the 7th? 'Cause I didn't think of it until then... 7 days after starting this venture... and was already 5lbs lighter. I actually enjoy this part of my weightloss as I can see the progress I'm making. It gives me a boost and physically SHOWS me that I'm getting closer to my goal. It also shows me that I'd look even better now if I were to tone up.... but I'm not there just yet.
Hope you are all doing well with you goals, whatever they may be.
Say "Cheese" for Wednesday (7th)... and maybe eat some too... in small qtys.
I'm not one to enjoy the changing of seasons from Summer to Autumn. As pretty as it can be for photographers, I can't seem to get past the fact that everything is dying and I will soon be waking up to Jack in the mornings to be followed soon after by snow.
I like the little flashlight Axie and I use on our walks though ~ when I remember it ~ It's this really cool one given to me by a friend at work. It has a lanyard and as it hangs around my neck, and I'm stooping to clean, it points directly where I need it to. One hand on Axie's lead, one on the "gift" bag, and light on the situation. The lanyard on it is ingenious. My flashlight's also a pen, (Not sure if I'll be needing that... but glad it's there.), and only weighs about 2 ounces! Anyway, I'm happy that my friend was thinking of Axie and me when he gave me this little treasure.
Speaking of dying and Jack, I'm a HUGE Corrie Fan. Bill Tarmey has finally left the show after 31 years. He played Jack Duckworth and was written out as having died comfortably in his sleep. while in his favourite recliner, listening to golden oldies on the record player given to him that day by "family" for his 74th birthday... He quietly slipped out of his Birthday Celebrations at the Rovers Return, to come home and peacefully go to sleep. This, only weeks after learning he had terminal cancer. He chose not to undergo treatments to prolong his life. Yes, it was only a character Bill Tarmey played but I thought to myself, as I shed a tear, "That's what I would do too." Short and sweet. No Muss. No Fuss.
As I am a HUGE Coronation Street fan, I'm also wondering where/when I will find the time to watch 5 hours of Corrie each week, starting today. Don't get me wrong. I'm thrilled that CBC is trying to catch up to the Brits. We are 10 months behind over here. As today was a holiday, I was able to watch a whole hour tonight but Sunday Mornings from 7 to 12 on TV... which means all Sunday afternoon for me online... Well atleast I won't have all the commercials to contend with and 1 hour of TV time is approx. 44 minutes of show time. I will save over an hour there. Whew! And no, I don't need a PVR. My rabbit ears are still working fine and my digital conversion box and audio/video cables are awesome! All for the price of less than 2 months of Cable!
In closing... the weight loss gig is slowing down. Not exactly a crawl but I can't help but see the exercise light looming brighter than I'd like it to be. I'm all for conserving energy... in lighting and in my body, meaning I'm still fighting the REQUIREMENT to break a sweat. I'm at 24.6lbs lost... 25.4lbs to go. I seem to have hit a wall. Still hoping for 30lbs by end September.
Did I mention I'm taking "Fat Pics"??? None fit to print, I'm afraid and if you saw them, you'd be afraid too....VERY SCAREEEEY!! Yes, every 7th of the month, I stand infront of my mirror and take front/back/side photos that I compare with the month before. Why the 7th? 'Cause I didn't think of it until then... 7 days after starting this venture... and was already 5lbs lighter. I actually enjoy this part of my weightloss as I can see the progress I'm making. It gives me a boost and physically SHOWS me that I'm getting closer to my goal. It also shows me that I'd look even better now if I were to tone up.... but I'm not there just yet.
Hope you are all doing well with you goals, whatever they may be.
Say "Cheese" for Wednesday (7th)... and maybe eat some too... in small qtys.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Take it or Leave it
That's my food secret. I have stocked my fridge and cupboards with foods that are nutritious but basically are foods that I could take or leave. There's not one foodstuff in this house that I crave and could gorge on. Each thing I eat, I eat knowing it will help me reach my goal of a HEALTHY 150 lbs. I avoid many of the centre ailes at the grocery store and stick to the outer edges for the fresh foods - meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit, dairy... you get the picture. I've even been spotted at local farmer's markets. It's good exercise and markets are Dog-Friendly... a plus when buying my food! We make it an outing.
I do wish, however, that the food at these gatherings wasn't so freakin' expensive. 5 bucks for a pint of green beans??? Are you serious... locally grown? Another 5 bucks for some locally grown lettuce/mesculin mix. Same things in a grocery store would be 3 dollars each. I'm not made of money. I really feel that I wasted 4 of my hard-earned dollars! I really can't afford Farmer's Markets but try to do my bit for the local economy.
The reason for this entry.... I made it! My healthy-eating weight loss program began 8 weeks ago tomorrow morning. (Canada Day - to be exact.) I made my goal of 20 lbs in 8 weeks... without Herbal Magic or magic of any kind.... To date, I've lost 22 lbs... and yes, I'm DAMN PROUD!
Created a new soup last night as I'm still trying to find hot things to make for myself that are not fattening. Nope. Not a cabbage leaf in sight! My soup consists of Beets, Kale, Leeks, Apples, Pears, Carrots, Olive Oil, Cinnamon, and Allspice. I also used 1 tsp of salt for 14 cups of soup... not too much but enough to really pump up the flavour. The sweetness from the carrots, pears and apples make it much more enjoyable to me and the Cinnamon and Allspice make it almost seem like a desert. BTW... tried it chilled too. Good. Not sure what the freezer and microwave are going to do with it but will find out soon enough. Work Lunches. And a great benefit.... only 124 calories for 2 cups!
So my next mini goal?.... 30lbs by September 30th. OK so only 8 lbs in over 5 weeks... not too difficult? Well... I'd hoped to lose 31 lbs by September 12th - my weight 3 years ago at a reunion I attended. I worked damn hard to get to that weight. Literally exercised my butt off. Went to the reunion and then gained all the weight back and more because I quit exercising. Did I mention I HATE to exercise? Thought so.
I'm not finding this weight loss hard at all because I'm still not exercising. So it might take a bit longer but I know I can keep it off. When I start to see the shape I want to be, then I may exercise to tone up... but not to sweat any fat away. I'm off that gerbil-mill!
Hmmm. What's for supper...... fresh, sweet red cherries... 15 or so... and a pear... Supper is my smallest meal of the day.... Wooo Hooo.... Nothing to cook... No dirty dishes!
Ciao Chickadees!
I do wish, however, that the food at these gatherings wasn't so freakin' expensive. 5 bucks for a pint of green beans??? Are you serious... locally grown? Another 5 bucks for some locally grown lettuce/mesculin mix. Same things in a grocery store would be 3 dollars each. I'm not made of money. I really feel that I wasted 4 of my hard-earned dollars! I really can't afford Farmer's Markets but try to do my bit for the local economy.
The reason for this entry.... I made it! My healthy-eating weight loss program began 8 weeks ago tomorrow morning. (Canada Day - to be exact.) I made my goal of 20 lbs in 8 weeks... without Herbal Magic or magic of any kind.... To date, I've lost 22 lbs... and yes, I'm DAMN PROUD!
Created a new soup last night as I'm still trying to find hot things to make for myself that are not fattening. Nope. Not a cabbage leaf in sight! My soup consists of Beets, Kale, Leeks, Apples, Pears, Carrots, Olive Oil, Cinnamon, and Allspice. I also used 1 tsp of salt for 14 cups of soup... not too much but enough to really pump up the flavour. The sweetness from the carrots, pears and apples make it much more enjoyable to me and the Cinnamon and Allspice make it almost seem like a desert. BTW... tried it chilled too. Good. Not sure what the freezer and microwave are going to do with it but will find out soon enough. Work Lunches. And a great benefit.... only 124 calories for 2 cups!
So my next mini goal?.... 30lbs by September 30th. OK so only 8 lbs in over 5 weeks... not too difficult? Well... I'd hoped to lose 31 lbs by September 12th - my weight 3 years ago at a reunion I attended. I worked damn hard to get to that weight. Literally exercised my butt off. Went to the reunion and then gained all the weight back and more because I quit exercising. Did I mention I HATE to exercise? Thought so.
I'm not finding this weight loss hard at all because I'm still not exercising. So it might take a bit longer but I know I can keep it off. When I start to see the shape I want to be, then I may exercise to tone up... but not to sweat any fat away. I'm off that gerbil-mill!
Hmmm. What's for supper...... fresh, sweet red cherries... 15 or so... and a pear... Supper is my smallest meal of the day.... Wooo Hooo.... Nothing to cook... No dirty dishes!
Ciao Chickadees!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
20 Seems So Far Away!
No, I'm not speaking of age... although there's a case for that too.
My weight-loss progress has slowed, though not completely stalled. I'm somewhat frustrated but not enough to cave! Nope!! I've come this far... and am already thinking what I will add to my diet in the colder fall and winter months. Foods that are hot or at least warm that are nutritious and substantial but not fattening. I don't relish eating cold food during a cold Canadian Winter. That would not only SUCK, it would be impossible. I'm thinking Yams/Sweet Potatoes for a start....
Oh! I must tell you about Egg Creations... egg-whites-In-a-carton Omelets. I love the Cheese and Chive one... Non-stick pan and no butter or cooking spray and Wa La... 70 calories 1/2 cup omelet with lots of flavour and QUICK... same time as it takes to pop in ONE slice of Country Harvest "Ancient Grains" bread into the toaster and have it out and spread with 1/2 Tbsp. Reduced Fat Peanut Butter, 1 SMALL banana broken in two and mashed down on the peanut butter, count out 10 raw whole almonds on the plate and mix 1-3/4 cup water with 1/4 cup bottled lemon juice (NO SUGAR lemonade) to drink instead of what I used to have - Cream and sugar-laced Coffee and lots of it. 4 regular cups per morning BEFORE work. Many days, that coffee was my ONLY breakfast!
Sidetracked.... Back to my story.
I've lost 19.4lbs towards my goal of 50lbs and might still squeak in for meeting my August 25th goal of 20lbs in 8 weeks. It will be tough. This past week, I've lost ONLY 1 lb.
I can hear that elliptical machine calling out to me. My issue... OK. One of many issues... is that I've never liked to exercise. Lets be honest... Part of the reason is laziness. Much of the reason though is that I have bad... aka dislocating... knees. When I finish an exercise session, it is not a good hurt that I feel. It is a painful one. With every session, the pain increases until I find my knees locking as I get to the top of any of the stairways I'm required to navigate in my daily life. (BTW... I live in a 3rd-floor Walk-Up.) If you have issues with locking knee-caps, you'll know that this is VERY painful. Because of this, I rarely keep up with an exercise routine for long. Yes, I can do weights and crunches and leg lifts etc., but they are not the cardio workout my body needs. Lunges, and other load-bearing, knee-bent exercises cause the same issues. Whine. Whine. Whine! Right?
The following is a moment in my life that, although it happened with over 40 other people taking an active role in the same moment, I'll bet that I'm the only one who remembers it at all. It still haunts me to this day.
This moment occurred during my Military Basic Training, 27 years ago. (Maybe I've not mentioned The Military yet... Story(s) for another day.) We were to perform "Star Jumps" during a Physical Training Class. I'd had corrective surgery on both of my knees 3 years prior to this day and knew my limitations. To perform a "Star Jump", one quickly springs up from a "squat position" to a fully extended "jumping jack" position and immediately back down to a squat. I've heard the exercise has been banned since I was in Basic. I knew that if I was to make it through Basic Training and have a Military Career, I would be wise to sit that particular move out. In Military Training, making your own decisions is not an option and that particular class counts as one of the worst times of my life. My platoon-mates were awarded an extra 50 Star Jumps while I was ordered to the sideline to watch them suffer. This was after they had already completed the allotted 25 repetitions for the class.
Needless to say, my platoon mates were not pleased with the PERI's ( Physical Education & Recreation Instructors) and were less pleased with me. I would not allow this to happen again and pushed myself passed the pain for all of the remaining PT classes. Some 8 or 9 weeks later, I pushed myself too hard on a "Forced March" and ended up in soft casts (both legs) and crutches for the entire last weekend of Basic Training and could not leave the barracks. Thankfully, by then I'd been forgiven and platoon mates would bring food back for me from the mess hall so I didn't starve. BTW... using the toilet was a B!#@&!
Where was I? Oh yes, all this to explain that I'm not one for exercise so what I don't lose by diet changes, is likely to come back on anyway. My thinking is this. If I start exercising, I will lose more weight but when - NOT IF - I stop, that particular poundage will slither right back on. This is not my wish so I will be patient and if 1 pound a week is all this body will allow, then I must accept and be thankful.
I've learned that I have a few followers to my blog. Each of you has expressed similar issues with weight. I hope that baring my soul will help you with your endeavours too.
Remember... Weight Loss is not only an achievement GOAL. More importantly, THE WAY in which you reach your goal will make all the difference in your lives.
Keep at it... and Whine a bit if it makes ya feel better to get it off your chest!
My weight-loss progress has slowed, though not completely stalled. I'm somewhat frustrated but not enough to cave! Nope!! I've come this far... and am already thinking what I will add to my diet in the colder fall and winter months. Foods that are hot or at least warm that are nutritious and substantial but not fattening. I don't relish eating cold food during a cold Canadian Winter. That would not only SUCK, it would be impossible. I'm thinking Yams/Sweet Potatoes for a start....
Oh! I must tell you about Egg Creations... egg-whites-In-a-carton Omelets. I love the Cheese and Chive one... Non-stick pan and no butter or cooking spray and Wa La... 70 calories 1/2 cup omelet with lots of flavour and QUICK... same time as it takes to pop in ONE slice of Country Harvest "Ancient Grains" bread into the toaster and have it out and spread with 1/2 Tbsp. Reduced Fat Peanut Butter, 1 SMALL banana broken in two and mashed down on the peanut butter, count out 10 raw whole almonds on the plate and mix 1-3/4 cup water with 1/4 cup bottled lemon juice (NO SUGAR lemonade) to drink instead of what I used to have - Cream and sugar-laced Coffee and lots of it. 4 regular cups per morning BEFORE work. Many days, that coffee was my ONLY breakfast!
Sidetracked.... Back to my story.
I've lost 19.4lbs towards my goal of 50lbs and might still squeak in for meeting my August 25th goal of 20lbs in 8 weeks. It will be tough. This past week, I've lost ONLY 1 lb.
I can hear that elliptical machine calling out to me. My issue... OK. One of many issues... is that I've never liked to exercise. Lets be honest... Part of the reason is laziness. Much of the reason though is that I have bad... aka dislocating... knees. When I finish an exercise session, it is not a good hurt that I feel. It is a painful one. With every session, the pain increases until I find my knees locking as I get to the top of any of the stairways I'm required to navigate in my daily life. (BTW... I live in a 3rd-floor Walk-Up.) If you have issues with locking knee-caps, you'll know that this is VERY painful. Because of this, I rarely keep up with an exercise routine for long. Yes, I can do weights and crunches and leg lifts etc., but they are not the cardio workout my body needs. Lunges, and other load-bearing, knee-bent exercises cause the same issues. Whine. Whine. Whine! Right?
The following is a moment in my life that, although it happened with over 40 other people taking an active role in the same moment, I'll bet that I'm the only one who remembers it at all. It still haunts me to this day.
This moment occurred during my Military Basic Training, 27 years ago. (Maybe I've not mentioned The Military yet... Story(s) for another day.) We were to perform "Star Jumps" during a Physical Training Class. I'd had corrective surgery on both of my knees 3 years prior to this day and knew my limitations. To perform a "Star Jump", one quickly springs up from a "squat position" to a fully extended "jumping jack" position and immediately back down to a squat. I've heard the exercise has been banned since I was in Basic. I knew that if I was to make it through Basic Training and have a Military Career, I would be wise to sit that particular move out. In Military Training, making your own decisions is not an option and that particular class counts as one of the worst times of my life. My platoon-mates were awarded an extra 50 Star Jumps while I was ordered to the sideline to watch them suffer. This was after they had already completed the allotted 25 repetitions for the class.
Needless to say, my platoon mates were not pleased with the PERI's ( Physical Education & Recreation Instructors) and were less pleased with me. I would not allow this to happen again and pushed myself passed the pain for all of the remaining PT classes. Some 8 or 9 weeks later, I pushed myself too hard on a "Forced March" and ended up in soft casts (both legs) and crutches for the entire last weekend of Basic Training and could not leave the barracks. Thankfully, by then I'd been forgiven and platoon mates would bring food back for me from the mess hall so I didn't starve. BTW... using the toilet was a B!#@&!
Where was I? Oh yes, all this to explain that I'm not one for exercise so what I don't lose by diet changes, is likely to come back on anyway. My thinking is this. If I start exercising, I will lose more weight but when - NOT IF - I stop, that particular poundage will slither right back on. This is not my wish so I will be patient and if 1 pound a week is all this body will allow, then I must accept and be thankful.
I've learned that I have a few followers to my blog. Each of you has expressed similar issues with weight. I hope that baring my soul will help you with your endeavours too.
Remember... Weight Loss is not only an achievement GOAL. More importantly, THE WAY in which you reach your goal will make all the difference in your lives.
Keep at it... and Whine a bit if it makes ya feel better to get it off your chest!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Happy on the UP Side
It has been awhile but that shouldn't matter as I'm fairly certain I'm typing to myself only. The Hog and Cob a couple of weekends ago was very fun. Thanks Robyn. Love the farm, especially the Highland Longhorns and Labrador Retrievers!
I was so proud of myself to keep within my caloric limit and then BLAM!!! The next day I STUFFED myself with about 2 dozen Peanut Butter Cookies that I'd made way too many of to take to the Hog and Cob (Pot Luck it was.) Yes, approx. 24 Cookies. I did not count... was too busy stuffing my face. Damn they were good. But I paid for it! I'd not had any sugar or butter in my diet so you can bet that hung on for a bit. Little did I know that 24 Cookies equates to 1.5 fat lbs! It did - 1.6 actually. Thankfully it didn't have time to get a good grip and I'd removed the ne'er-do-well within 3 days.
Now I'm Happy to be on the UP Side of the Slippery (Tempting) Slope and this morning's weigh-in recorded that I've lost 15.2lbs to date. My newest minor goal is to have lost 20lbs by 25 August. You see, Herbal Magic CLAIMS to enable you to lose UP TO 20Lbs in as little as 8 Weeks. I have 20 days left to lose 4.8 lbs and I WILL have lost 20Lbs in 8 weeks... not just UP TO 20Lbs. No Herbal Magic up MY SLEEVE! Just Loseit.com.
I'm really looking forward to seeing my friend, April next week. She has moved here from Edmonton and she was the one who politely let me know that I didn't look like me anymore. She'd not seen me in 2.5 years until June 27th. She didn't recognize me... and it wasn't the short hair. April does not know that I've been on a weight loss plan and that she was the catalyst. I hope she sees a difference. 15-16 lbs on a tall frame is not a drastic change. At 5' 10.5", I'd say my frame is tall.
I'll keep ya (Me) Posted. Might even update ya on a useful exercise I've been challenged to teach my dog. A Cairn. Teach? Not in their vocabulary! Putting his toys away. Interesting... Very Interesting.
I was so proud of myself to keep within my caloric limit and then BLAM!!! The next day I STUFFED myself with about 2 dozen Peanut Butter Cookies that I'd made way too many of to take to the Hog and Cob (Pot Luck it was.) Yes, approx. 24 Cookies. I did not count... was too busy stuffing my face. Damn they were good. But I paid for it! I'd not had any sugar or butter in my diet so you can bet that hung on for a bit. Little did I know that 24 Cookies equates to 1.5 fat lbs! It did - 1.6 actually. Thankfully it didn't have time to get a good grip and I'd removed the ne'er-do-well within 3 days.
Now I'm Happy to be on the UP Side of the Slippery (Tempting) Slope and this morning's weigh-in recorded that I've lost 15.2lbs to date. My newest minor goal is to have lost 20lbs by 25 August. You see, Herbal Magic CLAIMS to enable you to lose UP TO 20Lbs in as little as 8 Weeks. I have 20 days left to lose 4.8 lbs and I WILL have lost 20Lbs in 8 weeks... not just UP TO 20Lbs. No Herbal Magic up MY SLEEVE! Just Loseit.com.
I'm really looking forward to seeing my friend, April next week. She has moved here from Edmonton and she was the one who politely let me know that I didn't look like me anymore. She'd not seen me in 2.5 years until June 27th. She didn't recognize me... and it wasn't the short hair. April does not know that I've been on a weight loss plan and that she was the catalyst. I hope she sees a difference. 15-16 lbs on a tall frame is not a drastic change. At 5' 10.5", I'd say my frame is tall.
I'll keep ya (Me) Posted. Might even update ya on a useful exercise I've been challenged to teach my dog. A Cairn. Teach? Not in their vocabulary! Putting his toys away. Interesting... Very Interesting.
Friday, July 22, 2011
So tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Dropping my dog off at his overnight camp early in the morning. As soon as I get back from Almonte (edit on 23rd ~ Make that Arnprior ~ always get the two names confused but make it to the right spot.), baking cookies from a new recipe before the temperature rises and gets the best of me. Hair Appt. at 11:00, followed by Grocery shopping and finding a 1/4" Masonry Drill Bit, to aid in next task... fixing bathroom light fixture. Then regular house cleaning... quickly followed by ME, and then heading off with the freshly baked (Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies with Cream Cheese and Peanut Butter Filling) to a Hog and Cobb. I'm really looking forward to it.
Have to take it easy on the food and beverages though... Don't want my hard work to go for naught... 11.4 lbs lost to date... Goal is to still have 10lbs off by month's end and then lose another 10 in the month of August. It's achievable. Ahhh... but it WILL be so nice to have that beer X 2 that I've promised myself.... and Roast Pig and Roast Corn and all the fixings.
Found a six-pack of Micro-Brewery (Barrie, ON) - "Hoptical Illusion" by Flying Monkey's Brewery. The label design needs to be seen to be believed. States that it is an "Almost Pale Ale."

Don't think I need to worry about anyone else drinking my beer. Who'd get caught dead with this label in their mitt? LOL - I'll have a couple and give the rest away but I'll choose who they go to not have some little weasel/moocher steal them. Sorry for the blurry pic... but ya get the idea. If you get a chance to pick up a 6-pack... just reading the carton is a treat... Honest. Funny/Quirky/Weird.... What would you expect... even the phrase "Normal is Weird" is printed on it. That was the final selling point for me!
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay cool!
Found a six-pack of Micro-Brewery (Barrie, ON) - "Hoptical Illusion" by Flying Monkey's Brewery. The label design needs to be seen to be believed. States that it is an "Almost Pale Ale."
Don't think I need to worry about anyone else drinking my beer. Who'd get caught dead with this label in their mitt? LOL - I'll have a couple and give the rest away but I'll choose who they go to not have some little weasel/moocher steal them. Sorry for the blurry pic... but ya get the idea. If you get a chance to pick up a 6-pack... just reading the carton is a treat... Honest. Funny/Quirky/Weird.... What would you expect... even the phrase "Normal is Weird" is printed on it. That was the final selling point for me!
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay cool!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
1/10th ALREADY!
Well then. Not sure if this is supposed to be the hardest or the easiest end of the losing weight challenge but my willpower will not be outdone. I've managed to lose 5lbs. in my first week. Guess that shows how little I needed it. I'm eating healthy... something I really don't enjoy. Nothing that is the colour of white has passed these lips Oops... Cottage Cheese is white... but you get the picture.. I've not eaten any chocolate nor drank any wine, for that matter any form of alcohol.
I've already made plans for my savings. First a Digital Weight Scale that will weigh me accurately. Mine is a 20-yr old dial type and when it gets down to the pinch, I know that if I lean left and slightly forward, I can cause the needle to move about 1.5lbs. in my favour. Kinda cheating but I know I'm doing it so I don't actually record those results but it makes my emotional side feel better... sort of nudging me to that goal sans the leaning. I've not had to do that so far but I've set an intermediate goal of another 5 lbs by the 21st... (2 weeks time). It will get harder and harder to lose the weight. I understand but I will not cave.
I already feel better. Now my stomach sticks out... just the way it used to WHEN I was trying to hold it in! Yup. It appears that that is where I lost most of the 5 lbs. It can't be the only place though because I've found it easier to get my watch done up too... I'll be damned if I'd put another link in it but the catch was pinching the inside of my wrist when I went to do it up. (Here's where I'd like to mention that although I'm tall (5'10-1/2") I'm small boned, and my wrists have always been small as with my long slender fingers. My rings were removed, unceremoniously, about 3 months ago because IF I got them on again, they'd not be coming off. But my watch was a requirement. It was part of the inducement for me to start back on the track of becoming me again.
I'm not exercising yet. I've decided to let the pounds keep dropping off instead of exercising them and making them think they will be spending their final days hitching a ride on me. I will start exercising when I get down to my goal weight, unless I'm finding it impossible to get there without exercising. Way if see it, get the parts that I want to keep, fit... and don't put the added stress on my bones and joints exercising the junk I'm choosing to leave behind!
Will try to check in next week.
Ciao Chicklets
I've already made plans for my savings. First a Digital Weight Scale that will weigh me accurately. Mine is a 20-yr old dial type and when it gets down to the pinch, I know that if I lean left and slightly forward, I can cause the needle to move about 1.5lbs. in my favour. Kinda cheating but I know I'm doing it so I don't actually record those results but it makes my emotional side feel better... sort of nudging me to that goal sans the leaning. I've not had to do that so far but I've set an intermediate goal of another 5 lbs by the 21st... (2 weeks time). It will get harder and harder to lose the weight. I understand but I will not cave.
I already feel better. Now my stomach sticks out... just the way it used to WHEN I was trying to hold it in! Yup. It appears that that is where I lost most of the 5 lbs. It can't be the only place though because I've found it easier to get my watch done up too... I'll be damned if I'd put another link in it but the catch was pinching the inside of my wrist when I went to do it up. (Here's where I'd like to mention that although I'm tall (5'10-1/2") I'm small boned, and my wrists have always been small as with my long slender fingers. My rings were removed, unceremoniously, about 3 months ago because IF I got them on again, they'd not be coming off. But my watch was a requirement. It was part of the inducement for me to start back on the track of becoming me again.
I'm not exercising yet. I've decided to let the pounds keep dropping off instead of exercising them and making them think they will be spending their final days hitching a ride on me. I will start exercising when I get down to my goal weight, unless I'm finding it impossible to get there without exercising. Way if see it, get the parts that I want to keep, fit... and don't put the added stress on my bones and joints exercising the junk I'm choosing to leave behind!
Will try to check in next week.
Ciao Chicklets
Saturday, July 2, 2011
50 X 50
Where has all the time gone? I've decided to stop NOT CARING what I look like. This has been an issue with me for a couple of years now. I've been trying to be happy in my own skin and not care that the skin is holding more and more weight. Grey hair, I can live with - for now, but the weight was getting me down, especially since I could no longer fit into clothes, hanging in my wardrobe that I'm still quite fond of. So... call me vain, but my appearance is still important to me.
I've decided to start caring again about what I eat... I'm not fond of the foods that are nutritious and good for me which is how I ended up in this predicament. I caught the perfect angle for my profile pic so don't let it fool you. I'm 49 as of June 9th, 5-10-1/2" tall, and weighed in at a whopping 198lbs (none muscle) yesterday. My goal is to lose 50lbs by my 50th Birthday. I believe I can do that... Keeping it off will be my problem.
You see, I'm a Black or White, A-type personality. I can do anything I set my mind to. I want to lose weight? I will put myself on the strictest of programs to do it. I won't veer off course for ANYTHING or ANYONE. I will throw out every foodstuff in my cupboards, freezer and fridge that does not meet up with my heathy-living program. (Actually I gave it all away... point is, it's not there to distract me.)
A friend introduced me to a website www.loseit.com and I've signed up. It's FREE. It takes into account my personal, physical, data (age, sex, height) and what my goal is and sets me out on a course for success. My only issue is that I punched in the data and it is telling me that I'll be able to lose that amount by Christmas, Dec 17th to be exact. Took me 5 years to put it on... I don't think I'll have it off by Christmas.... but I'll be planning what to wear to our Company Christmas Party just in case. Maybe a knock-off of a Duchess of Cambridge dress???
Yes, Kate left here less than two hours ago on her way to Montreal with the Prince. What a wonderful couple. NORMAL... whatever that is.
Well, time for another glass of water. No more aspertame, caffeine, or alcohol. Gave up smoking in March. See where my downfall will be? I love coffee with cream, and Red Wine. To keep trim, means to stay away from them... Black & White... All or Nothing.
Here's to finding my little patch of grey... my happy medium. Cheers (with the water :-)
I've decided to start caring again about what I eat... I'm not fond of the foods that are nutritious and good for me which is how I ended up in this predicament. I caught the perfect angle for my profile pic so don't let it fool you. I'm 49 as of June 9th, 5-10-1/2" tall, and weighed in at a whopping 198lbs (none muscle) yesterday. My goal is to lose 50lbs by my 50th Birthday. I believe I can do that... Keeping it off will be my problem.
You see, I'm a Black or White, A-type personality. I can do anything I set my mind to. I want to lose weight? I will put myself on the strictest of programs to do it. I won't veer off course for ANYTHING or ANYONE. I will throw out every foodstuff in my cupboards, freezer and fridge that does not meet up with my heathy-living program. (Actually I gave it all away... point is, it's not there to distract me.)
A friend introduced me to a website www.loseit.com and I've signed up. It's FREE. It takes into account my personal, physical, data (age, sex, height) and what my goal is and sets me out on a course for success. My only issue is that I punched in the data and it is telling me that I'll be able to lose that amount by Christmas, Dec 17th to be exact. Took me 5 years to put it on... I don't think I'll have it off by Christmas.... but I'll be planning what to wear to our Company Christmas Party just in case. Maybe a knock-off of a Duchess of Cambridge dress???
Yes, Kate left here less than two hours ago on her way to Montreal with the Prince. What a wonderful couple. NORMAL... whatever that is.
Well, time for another glass of water. No more aspertame, caffeine, or alcohol. Gave up smoking in March. See where my downfall will be? I love coffee with cream, and Red Wine. To keep trim, means to stay away from them... Black & White... All or Nothing.
Here's to finding my little patch of grey... my happy medium. Cheers (with the water :-)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
SMALL Note to Self...
What the Freak is a(n) URL????
And while ur at it dear Techno-God... Help me with News Group ~ if you please. Lost a job promotion 8 years... nope 9..... on that one. Pretty please?
And while ur at it dear Techno-God... Help me with News Group ~ if you please. Lost a job promotion 8 years... nope 9..... on that one. Pretty please?
So Far... So(rta) Good....
This is pretty much all I want on my blog... at least until I learn what all the other crap is.... and responding to a friend on FB.... my reply to her finding my blog was as follows:
"Hey, I'd already made it smaller by the time you posted this... Dammit! LOL
I will use my new blog to post my weird moments instead of wasting them on my status line of FaceBook." (OK... so maybe "waste" is a strong word, but I can't get my posts on FB back to read them months, even weeks later.)
So in actuallity, This blog is for me. I prefer to type instead of write... and get an odd sense of accomplishment and pat-on-the-back feeling if anyone actually does check in... but really not necessary.
My spelling may not be perfect... not found that tab, button or brain cell yet... but thoughts will be original... I promise. I'll not be re-posting things that are not originally my own and will attempt to stay away from the Merlot while posting. If you think you read a post that is salatious AND THE NEXT DAY, IT'S GONE...Guess what? I've awakened and have had my self-prescribed 2 HUGE cups of coffee! This is my DIARY. Very Little I think about is considered censored (by today's standards) so feel free to waste your time at your own expense... You are welcome to share in my Quirky views of life.
( JANET... UR the first one to view my silly venture.... which I expect to become a SERIOUS time and writing addiction)... Tks 88 va ee
"Hey, I'd already made it smaller by the time you posted this... Dammit! LOL
I will use my new blog to post my weird moments instead of wasting them on my status line of FaceBook." (OK... so maybe "waste" is a strong word, but I can't get my posts on FB back to read them months, even weeks later.)
So in actuallity, This blog is for me. I prefer to type instead of write... and get an odd sense of accomplishment and pat-on-the-back feeling if anyone actually does check in... but really not necessary.
My spelling may not be perfect... not found that tab, button or brain cell yet... but thoughts will be original... I promise. I'll not be re-posting things that are not originally my own and will attempt to stay away from the Merlot while posting. If you think you read a post that is salatious AND THE NEXT DAY, IT'S GONE...Guess what? I've awakened and have had my self-prescribed 2 HUGE cups of coffee! This is my DIARY. Very Little I think about is considered censored (by today's standards) so feel free to waste your time at your own expense... You are welcome to share in my Quirky views of life.
( JANET... UR the first one to view my silly venture.... which I expect to become a SERIOUS time and writing addiction)... Tks 88 va ee
Hang on... Trying to make my Noggin' smaller....
THIS Pic is Damn Scarey over morning coffee! Nope don't really look like this... That's A VERY Good Hair Day! You should see me now... Nah... Enjoy your breakfast. I will, somehow, decrease the size of this pic of my good hair and decent make-up.
House Rule - No Video-Skyping before Noon. There's a good reason for that... LOL
So back to editing my blog.... Have a great day Everyone and Me!
House Rule - No Video-Skyping before Noon. There's a good reason for that... LOL
So back to editing my blog.... Have a great day Everyone and Me!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Should close this blog....
OH crap... What if I lose this blog that I started now? What if I can never find it again to add to it? Where is it saved? What was my password again? Did I give one? Don't I always need a password? Well, meet you on the otherside... maybe.
All this in saying that I'm the furthest thing from a techy. Love the rabbit ears on my TV... and am so happy I've found out about the digital to analog??? converter box to still get my signals after August 31st... but that's a story for another day. The Axe-Man is calling... Nope... not the Sandman... That too is another story. Nighters
All this in saying that I'm the furthest thing from a techy. Love the rabbit ears on my TV... and am so happy I've found out about the digital to analog??? converter box to still get my signals after August 31st... but that's a story for another day. The Axe-Man is calling... Nope... not the Sandman... That too is another story. Nighters
Contemplating Weight Gain...
Solution to determine true fatness or if ya need new Mirrors....
Get a tape measure (preferably dressmaker cloth variety), and hold the end up in your armpit with same hand/arm while pulling down measurerer with your free hand... Measure down to the upper tip of your hip bone. (BTW... if you can still feel ur hip bone, ur fine - End) ...
Take the resulting measurement and divide in thirds (roughly) and locate the point that equates to 1/3 of the total measurement between top of hip bone pointing vertical... unless you can't stand (AT this point, again I say - End). Using ur bloody tape measure yet again, measure the circumference around the height of your body chosen by the last measurement. Wa La... You've just measured your waste (freudian slip, *burp Waist)... You have one... and are lean enough to do this excercise. and speaking of that, ya just burned 32.5 calories in the process! Good for you!
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